- The pattern of 4 Unit Tests and 2 Terminal Examinations is followed as prescribed by the Department.
- The Portions and the Time-Table are given ten days before a Test/Examination.
- Pupils absent for any reason are not re-examined. Absence from the whole examination involves a total loss of marks. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of marks for those subjects.
- Serious misconduct or any malpractices disqualifies the student from the whole exam.
- In case of an unforeseen holiday, the test/examination of the day will be conducted after the last paper as per the time table.
- Progress Reports will be issued after every Test/Exam during the academic year. They must be duly signed by the Parents/Guardian and returned to the school within 3 days.
- Promotion to the next class will be determined on the all-round progress of the pupil. Answer papers of the Final Examination shall not be given to parents/guardians. Answer papers of other Tests/Examinations will be shown to Parents/Guardians.
- No student will be promoted to the next class unless he/she has an attendance of 75%.
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